
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thing #6 - Feed Your Reader: Find & Subscribe to Feeds

I enjoyed this activity and found it very engaging. I almost found myself getting lost in the blogs and the articles, as I clicked first from one to another forgetting about time as it passed. I can see that this could evolve into another time management issue for me. While it is not something I would teach in my computer class, I would use the application myself to search the Internet and build the applicable cabinets of information to use as a resource to teach my class. This is where habit number two falls into play as it is the teacher's responsibility to be a lifelong learner.

On the other side of this coin I see (for me) this Pinterest wave-crave. I must admit that I have benefitted many times from the Pinterest phenomenon -- literally.  My wife, my daughter and my son's girlfriend are avid "Pinterest-ers."  I've been their guinea pig for numerous Pinterest recipes.  Of course, I couldn't let them down, so I volunteered to be their taste-tester.  It's a hard job, but someone had to do it.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh my----Pinterest!!! I have to admit my addiction, also. I literally have to set a timer to keep from being on there too long. My husband has benefitted from many of the recipes, too!
