
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thing #5 - Getting Started with RSS

Overwhelming is a bit of an understatement for me when it comes to the abundance of information associated with new technology. When I was learning programming language in college, punch cards had gone away and I was in the world of alernative language and formatting. Now there is a new generation of technology that can be accessed by more and more users in the cyber world to pass along information about the learning environment as well and indepth knowledge of the world at hand. 

I have always heard about the Google Docs application, but just never found the time to sit down and familiarize myself with the app. I am glad that I have choosen this class to help me expand my knowlege, and I hope to pass the knowledge I gain from this experience to my middle school class.

As I was scrolling through the reader I noticed an article from the New York Post that caught my interest. Here in our school district we have different policies regarding the use of electrical devices on campus.  The common  practice district-wide is to take up the device. But in Christopher Columbus High School the policy is different (via NY Post). 

With these advances in technology, I was able to search and link in to an article that deals with the same issue of electrical devices on campus.  I can read about how the issue is handled in different areas of the country, different school districts and learn about practices and procedures that have either been successful or failed.  

Needless to say, technology puts an wealth of information right our fingertips.  

1 comment:

  1. That was the craziest technology story ever. They probably got away with a fortune.
